Community Outreach Programs

Our Community Outreach program was created to provide local associations and communities with the best quality customizable community education and outreach products, as well as consulting and training services in the area of crime prevention education and self defense options. Recently, we were contacted to assist with a local news story on home burglaries.

Our programs have been well received throughout our local communities, as we have over 39 years of policing experience with a significant concentration of time managing community outreach, education and training.  Our efforts are directed towards corporations, civic groups, neighborhood associations, watch units, educational institutions and concerned residents in dealing with the specifics of crime prevention, developing sound crime prevention techniques and addressing questions about crime and its impact in our communities.

And because of hands-on experience developing and deploying real world crime prevention and community education programs, and having worked in communities where residents and media members have had high expectations of their police departments, TSI is pleased to offer its expertise in affordable, easy to use products and in training that supplement efforts of our First Responders.

Across the nation, departments and First Responders are feeling the pressure of allocating more resources to the street.   Because of this, other units handling less immediate police business are feeling the squeeze, but still, the work of those units needs to be done.  Residents still want and need to know what steps they can take to avoid becoming crime victims.  Because of that, the Tactical Safety Institute and our community outreach program is here to help by offering the tools you’ve been looking for.  Some of our programs include:

  1. Crime Prevention through Environmental Design
  2. Security Lighting
  3. Personal Security on Foot
  4. Personal Security while Driving
  5. Vehicle Theft and Carjacking Prevention
  6. Citizen Defense Options
  7. Neighborhood Watch
  8. Citizens on Patrol
  9. Operation Identification
  10. Fraud, Scams and Swindles, Telemarketing, Bunco Games, and Identity Theft Prevention
  11. Home and Business Security
  12. Employee Theft and Shoplifting Prevention
  13. Robbery Prevention
  14. Vacation Safety Tips and Safe Travel Recommendations
  15. Computer Security
  16. Internet Violence
  17. Preventing Violence
  18. Child Stranger Danger